The dairy is the largest cross-ventilation dairy in the state. That means that all the cows live inside a 12-acre barn in 75-degree weather, regardless of the outdoor temperature.
The cows also wear pedometers that monitor their steps every day. These pedometers are not part of an exercise program! You see, if a cow is taking significantly more steps than normal, it is an indicator there is something that needs attention. For example, if she takes fewer steps than normal, it’s likely she’s sick. The use of this type of technology factors into improved milk quality and quantity, both of which are a win for the consumer.
Seven thousand cows are milked everyday at the dairy, with the potential for more. More than 100 cows can be milked at once on what is reported to be the largest rotating circular platform. None of that milk ever gets stored in any tanks; it just gets sent less than 40 miles down the road, directly to the Hilmar Cheese Company, a GO TEXAN member in Dalhart. Now that’s what I call fresh Texas cheese!
So next time you are at the grocery store, be sure to support Texas ag producers by purchasing some of the best products your hard-earned money can buy.
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