Friday, March 4, 2011

This week, I celebrated Texas Independence Day on the Texas Mexico border working with Texas landowners to document stories of drug cartel violence and the resulting threat to U.S. sovereignty and Americans' food security. While I was on the border, I introduced a new website called in an effort to motivate the federal government to take immediate action to secure our border and safeguard our national food supply. The site profiles the harrowing stories of Texas farmers, ranchers and other citizens who, in some cases, are literally being run off their properties by armed drug runners who are terrorists - plain and simple.

After visiting with these farmers earlier this week, I can assure you the stories of trespassing, threats and intimidation amount to a new war on terrorism. And while our local and state law enforcement and exisiting border patrol are doing the best they can to protect our citizens, they need additional resources. We hope this website will wake-up Washington, and get them to acknowledge this crisis as a national security threat. Until that happens and the federal government responds accordingly with increased protection, our citizens, food supply and national sovereignty will remain in clear and present danger.

Americans don’t like being dependent on foreign oil; we cannot become dependent on foreign food.

I invite you to visit and help us raise awareness on the real border war taking place on Texas farms and ranches. Let’s speak up on behalf of Texas and hope Washington hears our call.


psieve2 said...

I want to go to the site, but Safari can't find the server. Is it Safari, a site crash or was it shut down? I really want to see it. There's some bleeding hearts, I know, that need to see it.

psieve2 said...

I want to go to the site, but Safari can't find the server. Is it Safari, a site crash or was it shut down? I really want to see it. There's some bleeding hearts, I know, that need to see it.
I'm talking about "", BTW
Great job, BTW! I don't think the fed government cares, though.