Friday, March 25, 2011

Hollywood Star Joins The Call For Border Action

When I launched the website three weeks ago, the No. 1 goal was to raise awareness of the escalating battle on the border and force the federal government to respond to its responsibility of securing our sovereignty. Texas citizens are dodging Mexican drug cartel bullets and living in fear of violence right here on American soil.

I am grateful the website is assisting in bringing more voices to the table to sound the alarm. Hollywood actor, Texas Ranger and Texas citizen Chuck Norris recently wrote a commentary, that lays out the facts that intimidation, trespassing and close-calls along our border are increasing in number and severity. I appreciate Chuck and others standing up for our farmers and ranchers, and demanding the federal government fulfills its responsibility to defend our national security. I urge you to read Chuck's commentary and continue to check back with for updates on our battle on the border.

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