Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Economy and Jobs Need Regulatory Stability

The economy can withstand good news and bad news, but it cannot withstand uncertainty. In fact, uncertainty is the enemy of growth.

This is a basic principle, but seems to be overlooked by many in Washington today. Below are links that demonstrate how regulatory uncertainty is putting American jobs and our energy supply at risk.

At a time when our businesses and families are struggling with unprecedented unemployment, leaders should be focused on removing obstacles to job creation, not creating roadblocks and continued chaos.

Regulatory uncertainty hampers domestic nuclear production http://www.caller.com/news/2011/sep/17/regulatory-uncertainty-hampers-domestic-nuclear/

Luminant sues EPA, says it will shut two coal units, cut 500 jobs http://fuelfix.com/blog/2011/09/12/luminant-sues-epa-says-two-coal-plants-will-close/

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