Monday, May 30, 2011

Thanks to Our Soldiers on Memorial Day

As Americans blessed with freedom and liberty, we owe an eternal debt of gratitude to our men and women in the military. Their daily sacrifices make it possible for us to practice our faith, vote for our leaders of choice and raise our children in peace.

On Memorial Day, we honor those soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice. From our nation’s earliest battles for freedom and independence to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the U.S. soldiers who died fighting for democracy deserve our eternal gratitude. They are gone, but their memories, their families and the freedom they defended must never be forgotten.

While many of us look forward to gathering with family and friends over the Memorial Day weekend, I encourage you to enjoy your leisure with heartfelt thanks. Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend and be thankful for your freedom. May God bless our soldiers. May God bless Texas and may God bless the United States of America.

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