Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Lawn Whisperer Speaks Volumes

If one thing became crystal clear during last year’s historical drought, it’s the fact that our water supply has its limits. As triple-digit temperatures scorched the earth and lowered lake levels, the demand for conservation awareness skyrocketed. With the continued dry conditions in 2012, the need for thoughtful water conservation persists and remains profound. 
The Tarrant Regional Water District has done an outstanding job of raising awareness and offering practical, common-sense tips for saving water. TRA spreads the conservation message with the help of the “Lawn Whisperer” character on television and Facebook. The Lawn Whisperer brings a bit of comic relief to an otherwise serious issue. Turns out we could all learn a lot from a guy who talks to turf.
Among the Lawn Whisperer’s many words of wisdom is the message that your lawn only needs to be watered once a week or less in the fall and winter. This may come as a surprise to Texans, who often feel inclined to overcompensate for the punishing summer heat, but this sage advice comes from the Lawn Whisperer himself -- and he talks to your lawn!
Take it from the Lawn Whisperer and others who know: it’s time to tighten the faucet, Texas. Our water supply and future generations are counting on us. Take a look around your home and fix leaky faucets, water only when your lawn needs it and turn off the water when you’re brushing your teeth or shaving. A few drops saved by 26 million Texans adds up to a whole lot more than just a few drops in the bucket. 

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